Measuring Impact

We believe in the mantra: “What gets measured gets done!” We are outcome-focused and utilise evidence-based methods to demonstrate the efficacy of our learning and development opportunities. Our team employs the Theory of Change Logic Model approach to measure and evaluate the impact of our learning opportunities.


We guide our clients throughout the process to ensure they achieve their envisaged outcomes. This method allows us to assess the impact of our programmes on both participants and clients and to measure the service provider’s effectiveness.

We acknowledge that families are diverse, and as such, they require diverse solutions. At Mayday, we’re dedicated to addressing real challenges on the frontline, continuously working to protect more children from harm.

Case Study: Strengthening Early Help Support and Intervention Services in Local Authority


Client Background 

A Local Authority had a well-established Early Help Support and Intervention Service. However, they found that they were not effectively reaching and supporting all the families that required their services. They struggled with high caseloads, inconsistent application of support methods, and an inability to measure their interventions’ success accurately.



 The Local Authority sought Mayday’s expertise to enhance the effectiveness of their Early Help Service. Their primary objectives were to improve the consistency and effectiveness of their support methods, reduce caseloads, and develop a reliable method to measure the success of their interventions.


Actions Taken

 Mayday implemented a comprehensive training programme for the Early Help Service workers, focusing on improving their understanding and applying evidence-based support methods. We developed and introduced tools and strategies centred around children’s lived experiences. We helped the team streamline their processes and improve their time and case management skills to address the high caseloads. Additionally, using the Theory of Change and Logic Model methodologies, we established a robust system to measure the impact of their interventions.



After six months of implementing Mayday’s training programme and new measurement methods, Local Authority X reported significant improvements. Caseloads were reduced by 30%, allowing social workers to dedicate more time to each family. Using consistent, evidence-based support methods resulted in improved outcomes for families, with a 25% increase in families engaging in their reducing parental conflict programme. The new impact measurement system provided the team with valuable insights into the effectiveness of their interventions, enabling continual refinement of their approach.



 “We could not have made these improvements without Mayday’s expert guidance. Their comprehensive training and innovative measuring methods have transformed our Early Help Service. We can confidently say that we are providing our community with a more effective and impactful service.” – Early Help Service Manager