Trauma-Informed Complex Co-parenting: A One-Day Intensive Workshop

In a world where parents often grapple with complex and challenging behaviour, possibly tied to their own adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), the need for confident, skilled, and understanding practitioners has never been greater. Our one-day workshop addresses this need by equipping professionals with tools and insights to support parents in acknowledging their actions’ impact on their children and engaging more effectively with assistance.


Why Choose This Workshop?

Parents experiencing the after-effects of destructive intergenerational conflict often feel judged, leading them to withdraw from essential support. Practitioners may inadvertently focus more on presenting symptoms, apprehensive about escalating the situation. This workshop aims to transform these patterns, enabling front-line workers to approach families with increased confidence, awareness, and enhanced techniques.


Learning Objectives

Our comprehensive program aims to invigorate front-line practitioners, fostering professional curiosity and ultimately leading to improved family outcomes. Key takeaways from the programme will include:

  1. An enhanced understanding of the detrimental impact of ‘Grey Areas’ between Parental Conflict and Domestic Abuse on a child’s well-being.
  2. An in-depth examination of parallels in recent Serious Case Reviews, fortifying your knowledge base.
  3. Skills to detect and respond effectively to signs of Parental Alienation.
  4. Insight into how unconscious bias can impede progress towards positive outcomes and strategies to counter this.
  5. Understanding how to approach families through a ‘Trauma Lens’ facilitates more empathetic and effective interactions.
  6. Increased confidence to engage with parents presenting challenging behaviours.
  7. Practical application of ‘Social Graces’ to foster rapport with parents and children, bridging gaps and promoting open communication.
  8. Expertise in accurately capturing the child’s lived experience, recognising their role within the conflict.
  9. An arsenal of practical tools and strategies to enhance communication between practitioners and families.

Whether you’re an experienced professional seeking to fine-tune your approach or a newcomer eager to acquire proven techniques, this workshop will prove invaluable. We recommend attending our face-to-face sessions for the best interactive and immersive learning experience. However, this programme is also available in a 3-hour version online.


Empower yourself to make a real difference in complex co-parenting situations and secure a booking for your team, or individuals can book a space online.