Social Worker Skills

We have Train the Trainer programmes for many of our offers. The Train the Trainer programmes for “Co-parenting Without Conflict’ an Intervention for Parents (see intervention section). Includes comprehensive toolkit.

The Early Intervention or Family Support Practitioner works in a demanding role that requires multiple skills and qualities similar to those of a social worker. We recognise their valuable role and work and have tailored our training course for social workers to meet their needs. Success in working with families needs specific skills, and these skills need to be continuously reviewed and developed to ensure personal effectiveness. Our programme is underpinned by "critical thinking skills", and we have added others that are invaluable in the helping professions. You are welcome to tailor this programme according to your needs, but our focus is assessment and intervention and the skills that are required, so the areas that we can include are: 1. identifying needs and intervening (what this entails); 2. understanding and using strength-based approach in assessments; 3. use of active empathetic listening; 4. use of empathetic questioning techniques; 5. how build and maintain rapport with children and adults; 6. understanding the “use of self” in your practice; 7. ensure consistent use of professional curiosity; 8. understanding and working with diversity and promote children's equality, diversity and rights; 9. managing relationships (using the Drama Triangle); 10. Techniques to manage work to prevent case drift; 11. Evaluating the effectiveness of intervention.

WE ARE EXPERIENCED IN DELIVERING THESE MODULES (SEE LIST OF LOCAL AUTHORITIES IN THE CLIENT SECTION) WHERE OUR TRAINERS DELIVERED THE TRAINING. WE DO NOT JUST DELIVER THE MODULES IN THEIR ORIGINAL FORMAT, WE ADD EXCEPTIONAL VALUE DUE TO OUR DIVERSE PROFESSIONAL BACKGROUNDS. To deliver individual or combined modules from the existing RPC programme (below) on a platform of your choice virtually or face to face depending on when you would like the training delivered. Module 1: Understanding the parental conflict evidence-base Providing practitioners with the knowledge to underpin practice, this introductory workshop explores the evidence base and the impact of parental conflict on outcomes for children. Module 2: Identify and discuss parental conflict with parents Focusing on the causes of parental conflict, this workshop equips practitioners with the skills to work with parents to identify and explore relationship conflict. Module 3: Working with parents in conflict This skills-based workshop introduces a series of tools that can be used to work with parents, encouraging behaviour change and promoting positive communication. Module 4: The role of supervisors and managers in managing people to address parental conflict Aimed at supervisors and managers, this workshop focuses on the importance of recognising parental conflict, with an aim to develop the skills to coach and support practitioners.

A Half day training programme aimed at front line staff working with children and families to include: • Familiarisation of genogram symbols • Formulate and draw a cultural genogram • Using the genogram as an intervention • Use of ecomaps and time lines • Broadening the context of work with families • Exploring patterns and beliefs • Reflecting on self and the use of Social GGRRAAAACCEESSS

A half day course for frontline practitioners who want to learn how to apply a coaching model to empower, motivate and engage clients to make positive changes in their lives.

A one-day programme aimed at those training and/or newly qualified social workers or as a refresher for more experienced frontline workers. This programme aims to support workers to become highly reflective practitioners, looking at their own values, beliefs, conscious and unconscious bias and understanding the barriers to rapport and change. The programme aims to help workers reflect on use of language, issues of power and control in the professional relationship and finding the right intervention to maximise engagement and change.

Please contact us for further information or a bespoke package

Our course will help everyone who work with children, young people and their families to promote their equality, diversity and rights. It will help to: - Understand, identify and challenge prejudice and discrimination - Reflect on practice and promote children and young people’s rights in all areas of work - Implement equality and diversity in direct work with children and young people - Evidence client empowerment and good practice

6 x 2-hour sessions. This course is aimed at those involved in the criminal justice system through offending behaviour. The course aims to highlight the impact of values and beliefs on behaviour, taking personal responsibility, changing negative expectations and thinking patterns, improving motivation to change and goal setting.

6 modules x 1.5 Hours each aimed at young people aged 8 to 14 years. The MAGIC programme provides an opportunity for young people in school, social care or youth settings to develop a wide range of crucial life skills. The programme is designed to complement, both formal and informal education and to provide a way for young people to explore and enhance their own development in an enjoyable, interactive and safe environment. Train the Trainer programme available.